New report: frustrated older clerics are ”˜demotivated’

From the Church Times:

AN UNPUBLISHED REPORT about frustration among older clerics in the Church of England is under discussion by bishops and senior staff, amid fears that under-fulfilled clergy are holding back the Church’s mission. The 45-page document, From Frustration to Fulfilment: The final ten years of licensed ministry, calls for a national vocational assessment for the over-50s.

The report identifies a small group of clerics who have lost their sense of vocation and faith in God. It suggests that such clerics should not move to another post, but be helped to leave the ministry with as much dignity as possible.

The Clergy Appointments Adviser, the Revd John Lee, wrote the report, drawing on the findings of a working group of seven clerics from a variety of backgrounds. He said on Monday that he had discussed its findings at staff meetings around the dioceses. “It has hit the spot, and they are very positive. It was commissioned because a lot of time was being taken up with people in trouble or on the verge of losing the plot. We wanted to know what we shall do and how are we going to use [them].”

The House of Bishops has discussed the report, and referred it to the dioceses. There would be a revised report later this year, Mr Lee said.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), Parish Ministry

2 comments on “New report: frustrated older clerics are ”˜demotivated’

  1. Rob Eaton+ says:

    “clerics who have lost their sense of vocation and faith in God”….
    I didn’t get to read through all 30 recommendations, but was one of them send these clerics to Bp David and Mary Pytches (for instance) for laying on of hands, and a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit?
    I saw “go on retreat”, but that’s pretty loose.
    Really….isn’t this the perfect apostolate vocation for “renewal” ministries? “Let me lay my hands on you..”
    But trying to provide a human resources solution to a matter of spiritual malaise and crisis will only cause more problems.


  2. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Poorly paid, passed over and facing losing their tied home on retirement to a pension Synod plans to cut, we have the right to expect unreservedly wild enthusiasm from these clergy – nothing less.